Local Band Community Stage Application

Local Band Community Stage Application

The Sacramento County Fair is accepting applications for entertainers interested in performing without compensation. Please complete and return our application to perform at the Sacramento County Fair to the above address by April 8, 2025. Application submitted on or before the deadline will receive higher preference and priority to those received after the deadline.

We encourage the submission of electronic press kits (EPK) or promotional kits with your application but they are not required. Your packet could include the following: documentation citing past awards or recognition, letters of recommendation, a listing of public appearances, video or audio sample of your performance and website information.

Acceptable entertainment for the Sacramento County Fair is family-oriented and appropriate for all ages.

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Performer Details

Returning Performers
You can pick more below, but this is for top 3

Available Times To Perform

Thursday, May 22
Select as many times are you are interested in.
Friday, May 23
Select as many times are you are interested in.
Saturday, May 24
Select as many times are you are interested in.
Sunday, May 25
Select as many times are you are interested in.
Monday, May 26
Select as many times are you are interested in.

Technical Information

The Sacramento County Fair will provide Professional Audio Console, Audio Engineer, P.A., Monitors, Mics, Stands, Cables. You will be required to walk your equipment, props, and costuming to the stage for your performance. No risers will be provided. Stage is 32’W x16’D x3’H. NOTE TO BANDS: You may be required to supply additional sound gear necessary to amplify your performance.
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